Make how to listen very obvious
These icons are just an example. But you see how these icons get your attention. Your website should scream how to listen. You could have the case of a visitor who wants to listen but can not find how and ends up leaving your website without listening. Also, maybe you have a visitor who finds your website by error but sees these icons or buttons saying listen here, listen now, listen live, etc. and clicks the link just for curiosity and likes what he hears, so you end up with a new listener.
Make it Very Clear and Obvious how to tune in to listen to your radio.
Most people don’t read but scan. A 2008 study concluded that, on average, only 28% of the text is read.
Eye-tracking visualizations show that users often read website content in an F-shaped pattern: two horizontal stripes followed by a vertical stripe.
This is why you want to let your visitors/listeners know how to listen by placing your options to listen, “Listen Now Button” at the top left-hand of your page. This is why your menu should be either on the top horizontally or on the left, vertical.
A similar study called this the golden triangle.